Our Give-Back Mission

At Confetti From The Sky, our mission is to protect the lives of as many animals as possible.
That's why we donate a portion of every sale to animals in need.

Currently, we donate to animal-focused, registered charities in the Fraser Valley and Greater Vancouver area of BC, Canada. Our main focus is on non-profits that rescue animals from dangerous living conditions or euthanasia, rehabilitate injured animals, provide animals with urgent medical care, help animals with disabilities, and train animals to assist humans with disabilities or mental health struggles.

A painting of a cat wearing aristocratic clothing

For Charities:

If you run a registered, animal non-profit organization in the Fraser Valley or Greater Vancouver area, and you'd like to build a partnership with us, please contact us. We want to help spread the word about your organization, and help you bring in as many donations as possible. Feel free to tell us the best ways we can support you, including ways that we haven't listed below.

Horse Painting

What we provide:

  • A designated link and QR code for your supporters to ensure that all purchases made on our website using your unique link will give back directly to your charity. 
  • A full page on our website dedicated to your organization, including any details, photos or videos you'd like us to share, with links back to your website.
  • Direct calls-to-action from our website to your donation page.
  • Shared posts on social media that promote your mission, events, animal stories, adoptable animals, etc.
  • Features in our email newsletter sent to our growing list of subscribers to help raise awareness for your organization with direct links to your website.
  • Short-term promotions for emergency fundraising where 100% of the profits will go directly to your charity (these will be with limited edition designs). 

Bear Painting

What we ask of you:

  • Share your unique link to confettifromthesky.com on the sponsors page of your website.
  • Promote our partnership to your social followers and email subscribers.
  • If you have a physical location, display one of our art posters and/or information kits (provided by us) with the QR code where visitors can see and scan it.
  • Provide donation receipts so we can accurately account for the contributions made.

We are a new company working to build brand awareness and we need your help to do so. The more we grow, the more we can give back to your charity. 🎉

Dapper Parrot Art Poster

For Other Businesses:

If you run a veterinarian office, pet store, pet groomer, pet daycare, equestrian centre, zoo or any other animal-loving business, you can partner with us too!

We will provide you with your own unique link and QR code to display at your workplace. All sales made through that unique link will go to your preferred animal charity in BC. Alternatively, you may opt for us to donate to the charity most in need.

You can also help by purchasing any of our products and displaying them in your workplace for visitors/customers to see. 

Contact us with information about your business to get started on a partnership. Feel free to offer any unique ways in which you'd like to partner with us.

For Buyers & Influencers:

If you are an influencer or buyer who wants to get involved with our give-back mission, the best way you can help is by purchasing from us and telling your friends, family and/or social following about us! Share a video of you unboxing, using, hanging or featuring any of our products with the hashtag #confettifromtheskyart.

If you have a particular animal charity in the Lower Mainland, BC, that you'd like to support, contact us for a unique link and the charity you have in mind. Sales made through that unique link will go to your preferred animal charity in BC.

How the Donations Work

Donations are made a minimum of 45 days after the order was placed to allow time for returns and exchanges. We make our donations at the end of each month.

(For example, If a purchase was made on June 1, we would allow 45 days to pass to allow for returns. July 15th would be the 45th day, which means the donation for that order would be made at the end July.)

Currently we are spreading the love to a variety of local animal charities. When partnering with specific charities, all purchases made using their unique links will go directly back to that charity.